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The Price of Plastic is a radio documentary exploring financial constraints faced by those who wish to minimise their use of single-use plastics, primarily whilst shopping in the nation's largest supermarkets.


Aimed at BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra Stories, this documentary highlights the vast gap in price between loose and pre-packaged products, and how the majority of products in our supermarkets already come wrapped in single-use plastic.


It can be up to 42% more expensive to buy loose products in Tesco, the BBC found earlier this year. And that’s just comparing the cheapest available products at one supermarket.


The generally higher prices of loose products leave many people with little option but to buy prepackaged. The lack of choice in supermarkets - and elsewhere, for that matter - can be attributed to supply and demand. But during a global movement voicing how our planet can no longer sustain our plastic habits, this documentary will uncover where the responsibility of minimising our plastic use lies - with consumers or retailers themselves?


By holding those in power to account, as well as speaking to smaller business owners and those who are actively trying to reduce their reliance on throwaway plastic, The Price of Plastic will ultimately find out why loose products cost more.


What can be done to ensure more people can afford to ditch the plastic?

Who should take the big step to take plastic out of mainstream circulation?

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